Spotlight: Historic Paint Analysis
The scientific analysis of architectural finishes, including not only paints but also metallic, clear and translucent finishes used within historic buildings, our historic paint analysis services provide us with the opportunity to look back through time and bring decorative schemes from the past to the present. But what can you expect, and how does it work?
Initially, we will work to identify what the client is looking to achieve through the analysis – whether they wish to identify what media and pigments have been used in previous decorative schemes, or if they are trying to date certain elements of a building. Once this has been established, our specialist conservators will identify a number of areas from which samples will be taken.

In addition to these samples, Conservators will conduct uncoverings by removing thin layers of the decorative scheme to gain additional colour information on historic schemes used in the past.

The samples taken are brought back to our lab and set in resin, where they then are analysed under microscope to further identify exact details of the decorative schemes used, the findings of which are then cross-referenced with any historic documents that may exist to provide a full overview of the history of decoration within the sampled area.

Historic paint analysis can uncover some very unexpected or anomalous results, particularly if the area sampled has been treated or decorated in a different way to other sampled areas. On a recent project, our conservators identified historic decoration using the Blitz London bomb census from World War II in order identify the date of painted schemes!
Our team are experienced in identifying these anomalies where they appear however, and by taking several samples, cross-referencing with historic documents and using our extensive experience, we are then able to compile a comprehensive report, detailing our findings which is then sent back to the client.
Britain & Co. are then able to take these analyses and provide samples of previous decorative schedules and, should the client wish, our decorative team can then recreate these schedules using a combination of modern and traditonal materials and techniques.
Over the course of the last year, Britain & Co. have seen a sharp increase in the number of enquiries we receive to undertake this work and have completed projects at Manchester Jewish Museum, Cambridge House in Piccadilly, London and, in advance of the Museum of London’s planned relocation, at Smithfield’s Poultry Market.
To enquire about our Historic Paint Analysis Services, or for more information on any other projects we may be able to assist with, please contact us on 0207 917 1724 or email